Álvaro Peris

Hi! I'm a Senior Machine Learning Engineer at Cushion.
Previously, I worked as Machine Learning engineer at Sonia Labs and as researcher at PRHLT Research Center.
My broad interests are natural language processing, sequence modeling and computer vision.
I obtained my PhD in Computer Science at Universitat Politècnica de València.
You can checkout my résumé here.

Latest publications

   Incremental Adaptation of NMT for Professional Post-editors: A User Study.
  Miguel Domingo, Mercedes García-Martínez, Álvaro Peris, Alexandre Helle, Amando Estela, Laurent Bié, Francisco Casacuberta and Manuel Herranz.
  In Proceedings of Machine Translation Summit XVII Volume 2: Translator, Project and User Tracks, pages 219–227, 2019.

   A Neural, Interactive-predictive System for Multimodal Sequence to Sequence Tasks.
  Álvaro Peris and Francisco Casacuberta.
  In Proceedings of the 57th Annual Meeting of the ACL: System Demonstrations, pages 81–86, 2019.

Open-source projects

I like to contribute to the open-source community and I've open-sourced most of my research.
Take a look to my GitHub profile!
Some of these open-source projects are the following:


  Neural Machine Translation toolkit.

  Interactive Keras Captioning

    Interactive multimedia captioning: Given an input image or video, we interactively caption it.

  ABiViRNet: Video Captioning

  Video description using deep learning.


You can send me an email to lvapeab-at-gmail-dot-com.
Although I'm not very active, I have presence in some social networks:        
You can also check my Google Scholar and GitHub profiles: